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Curriculum Design

Children have different abilities, challenges, interests and skills.  Each child has a tailored education plan that incorporates these and an opportunity to work together on a large theme.


For the core subjects (Language Arts and Mathematics), the students work independently or in groups with peers of similar abilities and experience.  The core subjects roughly follow the order of the Ontario Curriculum, however, children are permitted to work at their own pace independent of birth year.


Then, for all other subjects (Art, Science, Social Studies, History, Geography, etc.), students apply their skills to a common theme, problem or subject.  These subjects are integrated in meaningful and seamless ways.  Each theme takes a 5-6 week session to complete.  The students work in groups dependent on interest, rather than age.  This integration of subjects and of age groups has proven a key component of the success of our design.  For examples of our session themes, click here.


To understand how this works in more detail, look at our Daily Schedule first.  Then to see how we plan our sessions throughout the year, look at our Annual Schedule.


Here is an example of our calendar year.  You will notice that...

  • Our breaks do not always align with the public school boards (This allows families to travel without crowds)
  • Our sessions dates usually coincide with the days before/after statutory holidays
  • Our final session of the year ("Fun") occurs in July so we have 11 months of school.  However, the July session is run more like an educational summer camp.
  • We meet for more than the minimum number of days required of public schools.
  • There are no classes on Baha'i Holy Days.


Students work independently at different levels of difficulty for some subjects.Students work independently at different levels of difficulty for some subjects.

Children work together on other projects--depending on interest, not birth year.Children work together on other projects--depending on interest, not birth year.