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Annual Schedule

Our Curriculum for the year is divided into 5-6 week blocks called sessions.  In each session, we give one aspect of learning a "lead role".  Although the other subjects are still present throughout the year they will be given a "supporting role" in some sessions.

For example, we read Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book.  Though we primarily spent time learning about the animals of the jungles (science), we also learned some things about the seasons and culture of India (geography), colonization (history), and what it means to belong to a family or place (social science).  We expressed our learning through paintings (visual arts), songs (music, French), and writing (language arts).  For a final presentation, the children recited Kipling's poetry, acted out scenes of the book in person, created their own animal board games (science), and made puppets (drama).

Each year, the sessions will cover these topics (order may vary):

  1. Learning Skills (September)
  2. Art
  3. Health 
  4. Social Science
  5. Physical Science
  6. Design
  7. Citizenship
  8. Just for Fun (July)

The children have influence in selecting the topics for the themes under the guidance of the facilitator and principal.

To see this year's Session Themes and how these relate to traditional school subjects, click here.