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Lemonade Day Success

Posted 24/8/2021

The fates postponed our lemonade stand business until Tuesday August 24th but given the heat and sun, the weather couldn't have been better.  The children worked hard waving signs, setting up the space, and serving customers.  Thanks to some hard work and some generous donations, we will be able to give the London Humane Society $121.05.  We will also be able to spend $279.65 on new reading books for our school.  That's a total of just over $400!!!  Way to go team!

We divided into three teams.  One team served lemonade.  Another team team worked on advertising.  The third team rested in the shade to recoup energy for the next least that was the plan.  The heat ended up too intense and the customer stream wasn't steady so mostly we advertised and rested.  

1.  Things we learned?  37C is too hot!

2.  Construction workers work hard!

3.  Balloons pop easily and signs fall down easily.

4.  We live in a generous community. Thank you for surrounding us with support and encouragement.