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Posted 28/4/2023

For our natural science session this year we learned about Ocean Habitats and how scientists explore the depths of our world.  We also learned the challenges that the oceans face today--especially because of plastic waste, over-fishing, and warming ocean temperatures.  As we learned new things we added to a group mural.

Ocean Mural from top of stairsOcean Mural from top of stairsThe ocean mural depicted the water cycle, how waves are formed, and highlighted animals of interest, and habitats within oceans (kelp forests, coral reefs and the hydrothermal vents at the very bottom).  Each student also presented a collection of research they had done about oceans and offered visitors explanations in the form of written, graphic, and even a puppet show about underwater landforms!  One of the highlights of our study though, was to visit the Ripley's Aquarium in Toronto and see many of these animals up close.

Aside from our scientific learning, we also experimented with depicting the beauty we saw: acrylic paintings of the water surface, watercolours of the coral reef and chalk drawings of the strange and beautiful creatures of the deep.

Painting of the ocean surface by a student.Painting of the ocean surface by a student.

Another special feature of this session was our "Book Club".  We had learned all together, in our Asian Geography session, how to run a book club and this session we tried it in small groups.  The books all related to life on the ocean (sea-faring) or life in the ocean.

On our last days before presentation day, we were blessed to have two real sailors come and present to us about what careers on boats are available, and what the pros and cons of different types of work on the ocean are. They also taught the children how to make a "monkey's fist" knot.