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Apple Land

Posted 1/10/2021

When our students demonstrate great virtues (like gems hidden in a mine), when they achieve success, and when they are just generally awesome, I hand out "gems".  When our gem jar is filled we get a treat.  We all consult ahead of time about what the treat will be.  For our first gem reward of the new school year, we decided to make a trip to Appleland Station.  Unfortunately...

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Truth and Reconciliation Day

Posted 30/9/2021

We have spent some time learning about the need for truth and reconciliation.  Our students are proud to be celebrating the first national holiday dedicated to such a noble aim.  Maybe years from now we can tell our grandchildren how much we've learned since.  We created this new song to and made a video to share publicly so other people can learn too.  We hope you enjoy. 

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It's Official!

Posted 27/9/2021

Today we received word from the Ministry of Education of Ontario that we are officially a private school.  For most of our day-to-day life this won't make any difference, however it does mean that some of the same resources and supports, and the official academic records will be available to support our students.

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September Nature Walks

Posted 22/9/2021

This month we have re-started our routines of going on regular nature walks.  On our first week, we started new nature journals and talked about safety and respectful actions when in nature.  

The second week, we investigated jewelweed.  Jewelweed is a folk-remedy for poison ivy rashes.  We learned to identify this useful plant by its leaves (that shine silver underwater), stem (hollow like a straw), flowers (beautiful orange or yellow little trumpets), and exploding seed pods.  We harvested some jewelweed, cleaned and cut it and made some ice-cubes of jewelweed for later use.

This week, we learned how to identify birch trees and looked out for Birch Polypore (a useful fungus).  We also gathered wild grapes.  Pictures of our adventures and the artwork inspired by the birch trees are featured in our first video of the new school year,

"Round the Seasons".

Lemonade Day Success

Posted 24/8/2021

The fates postponed our lemonade stand business until Tuesday August 24th but given the heat and sun, the weather couldn't have been better.  The children worked hard waving signs, setting up the space, and serving customers.  Thanks to some hard work and some generous donations, we will be able to give the London Humane Society $121.05.  We will also be able to spend $279.65 on new reading books for our school.  That's a total of just over $400!!!  Way to go team!

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Lemonade Day

Posted 19/8/2021

Friday August 20, 2021 is Lemonade Day.  The children have been working hard to plan for a lemonade stand.  They've worked out advertising, perfected recipes, calculated prices and planned for COVID considerations.  Customers will get to choose whether the proceeds will go to fund more books for our library or to the London Humane Society.  Come by Hamilton Road at Oriole Drive between 1:30 and 3:30 pm to support our students.  Rain date: Monday August 23.

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Posted 3/8/2021

In the month of August, Olive Grove Academy will be learning about the ancient and modern Olympic Games.  Each day we will focus on one sport and one country associated with the Olympics.  Do you have extra baseball gloves? Basketballs? Volleyballs? If you have sports equipment we can borrow or have to try out some of the sports we are learning, please contact Renée.  

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Upcoming Events

Posted 25/6/2021

June 25, 2021 - School's Out!