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Posted 1/6/2023

Our health session this year was focussed on "Safety".  This covered basic injury prevention topics (sun, outdoor, water, and fire safety), substance use and abuse (e.g. dangers of vaping, underage drug use, etc), and digital/online safety.  We created artwork that represented the things that make us feel safe and wrote about those feelings.  Since the best way to stay safe is to be aware of possible dangers and prevent them, we practiced thinking ahead by learning to play chess.  For our

final presentations each student was asked to create a board game to demonstrate their learning.  Designing board games gave us a chance to review mathematical concepts like probability and proportions.  It also required us to learn about procedural writing and give very clear instructions.

A parent trying out a student's game about marijuana use and abuse.A parent trying out a student's game about marijuana use and abuse.

Finally, we were fortunate to have the London Police Department youth engagement officers visit us.  They have the fun job of going to schools to talk to students about making safe choices and policing as a career.