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September Nature Walks

Posted 22/9/2021

This month we have re-started our routines of going on regular nature walks.  On our first week, we started new nature journals and talked about safety and respectful actions when in nature.  

The second week, we investigated jewelweed.  Jewelweed is a folk-remedy for poison ivy rashes.  We learned to identify this useful plant by its leaves (that shine silver underwater), stem (hollow like a straw), flowers (beautiful orange or yellow little trumpets), and exploding seed pods.  We harvested some jewelweed, cleaned and cut it and made some ice-cubes of jewelweed for later use.

This week, we learned how to identify birch trees and looked out for Birch Polypore (a useful fungus).  We also gathered wild grapes.  Pictures of our adventures and the artwork inspired by the birch trees are featured in our first video of the new school year,

"Round the Seasons".